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Dynamic Vision Sensor

NeuroMorphic Vision

Event Camera

Silicon Retina

Bio-Inspired Camera

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Dynamic Vision Sensor

Event Camera

NeuroMorphic Vision

Silicon Retina

Bio-Inspired Camera

Core Technology

The patented Inivation Dynamic Vision Platform is a unique combination of hardware and software to power the world’s most efficient, high-performance vision systems.


The iniVation Dynamic Vision Sensor chip emulates key aspects of the human retina. It transmits only pixel-level changes, at microsecond time resolution. It is equivalent to a high-speed camera at thousands of frames per second – but with far less data.


The open-source iniVation DV software enables fast, easy deployment of advanced vision processing algorithms for next-generation embedded and IoT applications.

Products by Inivation

Dynamic vision platform

Dynamic vision platform

A fundamentally new concept in high-performance machine vision



Extreme eye tracking for the most immersive VR and AR experienceese



High speed laser scanning for automation and robotics

Costum Solutions

Costum Solutions

Custom-designed solutions for your specific application

Sensor + Software = Dynamic Vision Platform

DV Software

Bringing neuromorphic machine vision to life.

  • Results in minutes: No programming required
  • Real-time development: Visualise, process and record as you build
  • Advanced technology: World’s most advanced event-based framework
  • Component library: Out-of-the-box solutions for many tasks, or write your own
  • Cross-platform: Runs on Windows, Linux, Mac. Target platforms from IoT to server
  • Open architecture: Interface to Python, C++, ROS
  • Trust: Trusted backend and an open source license (free for non-commercial use)


The neuromorphic Dynamic Vision Sensor powers unprecedented pixel processing performance.
  • Ultra-low latency: below 0.1 ms
  • High dynamic range: above 120 dB
  • Reduced data rate: save on bandwidth
  • Low power consumption: up to 90% less
  • Standard optics: use your existing lenses


High resolution


DVXplorer Lite

Discover event-based vision



Simultaneous events and frames

NeuroMorphic Eye Tracker

Intelligent Neuromorphic Technology

The Foveator™ uses patented, AI-enabled, neuromorphic Dynamic Vision Sensor technology.

It works like a tiny version of your retina and visual system, powering tracking at up to 1 kHz with latency below 3 ms.

Intelligent Neuromorphic Technology

Use Cases

Foveated rendering

Foveated graphics transport

Foveated streaming

Ultra-low-power human interaction

use cases

1 kHz

update rate

150 mW

power (peak)

2 mm

sensor size


dynamic range

< 3 ms


< 1.0°


AI processing

for robust output

Standard CMOS

fabrication processes

3D Laser Profiler

DVL-5000 High-Speed 3D Laser Profiler

The iniVation DVL-5000 provides ultra-high-speed, low-latency laser scanning for automation and robotics. At full resolution and high precision. Make your robots faster and more responsive with the DVL-5000, to get more done in less time.

The DVL-5000 is built on the exclusive iniVation Dynamic Vision Platform, bringing the advantages of high-performance neuromorphic vision to solve real-world problems.

DVL-5000 Highlights

>  High speed – 5 kHz at full resolution

>  Extremely low latency

>  Accurate profiling

>  High dynamic range

DVL-5000 Highlights
Evaluation Kit

Evaluation Kit


Experience the advantages of high-speed laser profiling with the DVL-5000 evaluation kit today, for application developers and OEMs. Available as an add-on for the iniVation DVXplorer camera (sold separately or in a bundle).

Measurement cycle0.2 ms (5 kHz)
HDRYes (DVXplorer)
Profile points640 (DVXplorer)
Laser class1
Laser angle30° or 45° (mounting brackets supplied)
Measurement baselineAdjustable; up to 140 mm
ProcessingReal-time processing on host (included)
I/OUSB 3 (camera to host), Ethernet (to external devices)

Custom Solutions

Up against the limits of conventional vision in your application? We can help. iniVation neuromorphic vision technology provides outstanding results for multiple applications and industries.

Custom Solutions


  • Ultra-low-power surveillance
  • Smart cities and homes
Custom Solutions

Autonomous Vehicles

  • High-speed Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) in challenging lighting conditions
  • Automated driver assistance systems (ADAS)
Custom Solutions


  • Fast object detection in difficult lighting
  • Low-latency odometry
Custom Solutions

Industrial Vision

  • High-speed 3D infrastructure scanning
  • High-speed production inspection
  • Particle tracking in hydrodynamics
  • Microscopy for fluorescent imaging
  • Human motion analysis

Explore our custom applications

Gesture Recognition

Stereo DVS gesture recognition and tracking demo. Ref: Gesture-Based remote control using stereo pair of dynamic vision sensors, J. Lee, T. Delbruck, P.K.J. Park, M. Pfeiffer, C.W. Shin, H. Ryu, and B.C. Kang, in ISCAS 2012, Seoul, 736-740.

Privacy-aware Low-Power Surveillance

The movement of people in the lobby of a hotel is shown, with the video and event streams from the DAVIS240A. In the second half of the video (about 50 s onwards) a simple rectangular cluster tracking filter is applied.

High-Speed Barcode Reading

A barcode is shaken in front of the camera, first slowly then vigorously. The playback is paused, and then continued at around 1/20th the normal speed, showing that the line by line detail of the barcode is preserved in the recording even during extreme movements.


A VGA color DAVIS sensor on the dashboard of a car emerges from a tunnel. The two slower sections demonstrate the fine temporal resolution and high dynamic range of the events compared with the frames.

Eye tracking

An eye moves and blinks in front of a VGA DAVIS. The sequence is shown twice, firstly with APS frames overlaid with dynamic events, and secondly with just events. Towards the end of the second viewing, there is a slowed down section, showing the fine temporal resolution of the sensor

Particle Image Velocimetry

Neutral-density helium bubbles in a wind tunnel are tracked using 3 DVS – the work of Thomas Roesgen and David Borer at the Institute of Fluid Dynamics

Want to know more? Contact us at info@arazim.co.il or call us

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